Saturday, March 31, 2012

C4T #3 Summary

Trails Optional: Jen Deyenberg's Journey Through Teaching with Technology
In most recent post, she created a  Prezi: Games Based on Learning. In my comment, I wrote that the fact of using games to expand learning in subjects, such as math.  I commented on the way the details were in the monopoly cards around the monopoly game board, which is a very creative way to point out the details. I also commented on the information on the monopoly cards. I never understood the concept of the game of monopoly, but I sure will like to learn how to play the game because the looks fun and interesting to play.I didn't get the experience of playing board games when I was a child.

Board Games

In her second most recent post, I commented on how informational the post was. After 3 years at the University of Lethbridge, she talks about her final days of
studying leadership, education, and technology. The program was based on 3 pillars, which are 1. Leadership and Management, 2. Education and Pedagogy, and 3. Technological Expertise and Network Design. Master of Education  is a website that has courses that are needed to receive a Master's degree in Education. The class that is going to be taught over that Jen took is "Information Technology Leadership." On her final project, she focused on :Writing and the Web," which  is based on how technology and the internet are changing the ways we write.  The Changing Writing Process is a link of  Jen's, which  discusses how the writing process has changed through the internet. The Impact of Learning is another link of Jen's, which is based on how technology can impact on learning.

Writing For The Web

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