Monday, April 9, 2012

Blog Post # 10

Educate or Teach by pierre72
Enrich, Educate, EntertainThis video compares and describes what it means to teach and to educate. The description of to teach was described as  to give information out and to explain. The description of to teach was described as someone who mentors, empowers, and someone who inspires. This video helped me figure out the difference between to teach and to educate. Many people, including me, think that to teach and to educate have the same meaning. My role as a teacher is to clearly explain each lesson to the students and to be a mentor to my students.


Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home by John Spencer
When I first saw this blog, I quickly went to the blog assignment until I got to the blog post for this week. For this blog assignment, the name that was on the assignment was Tom Johnson instead of John Spencer. Is the author of this blog a mistake in the blog section of the manual?

In this post, John is having somewhat a debate with Gertrude, the school's curriculum interventionist academic  specialist, about having his students take home pencils. Gertrude puts the focus of having students taking pencils home have lowered standardized test scores. John insisted that having students taking pencils home to do pencil and paper homework does not affect how the students score on standardized tests. The main problem was what the students are doing with pencils while at home instead of being about having pencil and paper homework assignments. Even though John disagrees with Gertrude, he tries to figure out a solution that will put the parents of the students involved to explain how to use pencils in learning. Having technology around can result in low scores on standardized test as well because students in classrooms these days are becoming more and more technical independent.


  1. Look closely at the way you wrote these two sentences and the way I re-wrote them. Note the differences. Find out why yours has several mistakes in it which I have corrected.

    Your sentences: This video help me figure out the difference between to teach and to educate because most people like me, intend to think that to teach and to educate have the same meaning. My roles as a teacher is to give a clear understanding and explanation on each lesson to the students and to be a mentor to my students.

    My re-write: This video helped me figure out the difference between to teach and to educate. Many people, including me, think that to teach and to educate have the same meaning. My role as a teacher is to clearly explain each lesson to the students and to be a mentor to my students.

    Discuss this with your tutor in the Writing Lab.

    John T. Spencer uses Tom Johnson as a pseudonym for some of his writings. You did not understand that Johnson's (Spencer's) commentary was an extended metaphor or allegory in which pencils were computers. Reread the post with that in mind.

    1. I strongly agree with the corrections you made with the two sentences you corrected, and that was what I was trying to write, but I couldn't find the right words. Thank you, Dr. Strange. I will reread the post with that thought in mind.
