Did You Know? Video
1. In the original video by Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod,I was not amazed about the facts and the numbers behind it. I knew of most of the facts, but, I did not know how the numbers are calculated for the facts. You have to really be on your math and knowledge game to know the numbers behind the facts mentioned. I would not be able to figure out the numbers. The numbers for each fact surprised me. In the past, I have thought of most of the facts mentioned. The future is going to be interesting for the world because every number mentioned will be even bigger than expected. In the Strange version of "Did You Know?", I realized that the numbers and facts were compared to the students in previous EDM310 classes and high school students, such as cellphones and computers. I am not amazed about the numbers on computers and cellphones because every person in my household has his/her own personal laptop and cellphone, even my 10 year old brother.I have been searching for a job every since my high school , and I have not found one, which means I highly agree with the facts about jobs in both videos.
Mr.Winkle Wakes
3.I watched this video when I was Baggett's class last semester. This video has a variety of information on how technology is making creativity worse for students when they are at school. To me, I believe that Sir Ken Richardson is a phenomenal supporter of education. The fact that students' do not use their abilities, skills, and talents means to me that they are wasting their abilities, skills, and talents that God has given them, which is not a good thing to do with the gifts God has created in you. I can relate to my opinion because it has happened to me several of times. Throughout the video, Ken Richardson says many jokes, which I thought were funny yet very interesting to think about. I do agree with the fact that schools demolish creativity for students.In the future, I believe that schools will more able to make creativity better for students. Most students that I know love to be creative in everything they can do. Creativity is the most important thing in education because without it students cannot be imaginable with their thoughts and feelings. I highly agree that women have the ability to multitask more than men because my grandmother,my mother, my sister, and I multitask on a daily basis, especially my grandmother and my mother. I believe that our job is to better the education of children in the future so they would enhance a better than that of today's education. I believe that the education world will become better.
A Vision for 21st Century Learning
4.In this video, the main arguments were as follow:
1. Digital Technology
2. Cons to Networking
3. Instant Gratification
4. Global Connectivity
Altogether, with the arguments included, this video was a summary on how to make children learn when in fact they do not. The solution to this is to make educational games on computers and on gaming systems. In many classrooms, the children are just taking notes on what the teacher is lecturing about. Most classrooms barely use textbooks.When children are just sitting in class taking notes, they become bored, and come to the conclusion that school is not fun. But with educational games, the children will get incentive to play and learn from the game. When I was little, I had a series of CD games, such as KidSpeak (learn different languages) and Cluefinders (mainly different math skills). I played Cluefinders the most because I love games with a mystery behind them. Using learning games for children will give the children the incentive not to give up on their education. When I graduated from a junior community college, I was afraid to make the transition to the University of South Alabama because the college experience would be different. The reason why I felt this way because the community college was smaller compared to the University of South Alabama, and because I had the feeling that the instructors for my classes would not like me. Most of the time, I define myself as a person that is judgmental because I judge people before I get to know them, which is not good.As of now, I am not the judgmental type of person.
Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
5.In this video, I love the way the teacher gives her students the chance to teach for a day.I found it interesting when the terraform students taught the teacher how to terraform. The teacher uses different terminology everyday, which she expects her students to know what they mean.I strongly agree that students do better in classes when technology is involved through the class.In elementary school, I was type of student that did not do so well when it came to doing book work for homework and classwork. As I progressed my education, I became more technical based to my education, which is an accomplishment for me. I love to accomplish the goals I set for me. For awhile, my mindset is to get my education to help educate the future of the world.When I am at home, I try to help my little brother and little whenever they need help. Most of the times, they will go to our dad because they believe that our dad knows everything.Sometimes, our dad sends them to me when he does not know what to do in that subject.
"I just did not know how the numbers are calculated for the facts." What specifically do you mean by this? What was the main argument of these two videos? What were the authors seeking to accomplish?
ReplyDelete"...he became very noticeable about the environment." Do you mean "was aware of his surroundings"? What was the main point of this video?
"...This video has a variety of information on how technology is making creativity worse" Technology? Or schools?
"...several of times" Leave out the of.
"I believe that schools will more able to make creativity better for students." Awkward. What do you mean by this?
" Creativity is the most important thing in education because without it students cannot be imaginable with their thoughts and feelings. " What do you mean by "cannot be imaginable"?
"In this video, the main arguments were as follow:
1. Digital Technology
2. Cons to Networking
3. Instant Gratification
4. Global Connectivity"
Some of these are not arguments. Only one would remotely be on my list of the arguments the authors of this video are making. What are they saying? What do they want to convince those who watch to do? What is their evaluation of the current state of education? Why? You answer some of these questions in your narrative but I do not see how they are connected to the list of arguments you have given in your post and listed above in a quotation from your post.
"...this video was a summary how to make children when in fact they do not." What? This makes no sense at all.
"...I try to help my little brother and little whenever they need help." My little whatever?
You need to work on your writing. I suggest you contact the Writing Lab in Alpha East for help.